Monday, November 07, 2005

OSU Captain Nate Guenin credits Hornet Coach for Success

Nate Guenin, Captain of the Ohio State University Varsity Hockey team, and New York Rangers draft pick, speaks candidly about the challenges moving up in the world of amateur hockey from his childhood days, and gives great credit to the Pittsburgh Hornets and longtime Coach Jim Lilja for a small portion of his success. According to Nate:

"A guy by the name of Jim Lilja came and he took us and he coached us," Guenin said. That man was probably the best thing to happen to us - those 20 kids. For him to come in - we learned so much from him. He was our savior. He was a godsend. A bunch of young kids from Pittsburgh, nobody expected any good hockey from us. We'd go up to Michigan and Canada and we'd beat everybody, just because we worked hard. If you want something you have to go out and get it. And we wanted to put Pittsburgh on the map in hockey. And I think we did."

Jim Lilja is still making a difference in the lives of amateur hockey players, currently serving as coach of the Pittsburgh Hornets 1992 birthyear team, which came in 3rd place in the US Nationals last year and is currently ranked as one of the top teams in the country this year. Congratulations Nate on your wonderful career to date. And special congratulations to Jim Lilja, who along with the entire Hornets coaching staff, continue to positively impact the lives of young athletes and help them reach their goals and be the best they can be.


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